
Showing posts from May, 2014


GO FOR GOLD Mediocrity does not pay Anything goes, you may say But why settle for the ore each day When the real deal is up the way Step up and go for the gold Challenges may make you cold But with persistence you can lay hold And watch the future unfold Yes, you need to be told That you can make it when you stay bold Every one alive is in a constant race And God has already granted grace Your future is very much up to your embrace Learn from trail blazers and their ways, trace The routes that they trod from grass to grace Pay fully the price for the prize Keep the desire alive each day when you arise You may fail once, twice or trice But don’t get too shocked in surprise Success presents scars before the prize Be daring and don’t complain Give no excuse for failure nor explain Yes, the top is sure you can attain Go for gold, you can obtain GO FOR GOLD


'I've always been convinced that knowledge is good but Experience is a better teacher.Well, that never changed but now I have the conviction that Faith is the best teacher.Truth is,Knowledge gives you the Goods,Experience Guides you and Faith gives you the Guts to go for Gold.If you have Faith,you can face the world.Keep your Faith alive' -Gamel Sankarl 'What you Give out determines What you Get in' - Gamel Sankarl A Powerful Christian is A Prayerful Christian. "Too much security can sometimes result in Obscurity. If you want to make it, go out there and risk it"   'The fact that you're Passionate about pursuing your purpose doesn't mean you shouldn't be Compassionate towards people.In fact,God is seen in people.He made people in His image and likeness.And so what you do for people,you do for God.Take time off your pursuit and make time for people who need your assistance to scale up too.Show some concern.Don't wait t...

Gamelian Gems 3

'My God is my Source My Gift is my Resource. My Purpose is my Propeller My Motive is my Motivation My Mandate is my Message' 'In a world of unbelievers,believers can only thrive and survive by adapting devoid of compromise but not adopting and compromising to the ways of the world' - Gamel Sankarl 'When your Aspirations align with your Actions, you attract Accomplishments' -Gamel Sankarl 'Each day I wake up feeling hopeful that, though I may be currently playing my game as an indigenous player, someday I'll play the same game as an international player if I step up and keep up without lowering the standards.I wake up convinced that if I consistently sharpen and shape my skills while in the local league,then I'll have a space and spot in the envisaged global league.This is my the assurance I have in my assignment.This is why I love to do what I love to do' -Gamel Sankarl 'Whatever problem you resist solving,persists.Unt...