WALK THE TALK! For many, there are a lot of things they would want to do with their lives. They want to do amazing things but all we have seen them do is talk about it. But truth is, you can only chalk success when you walk your talk. How do you do that? Alright, let me attempt to share some snippets with you on how to walk your talk. WILL: One of the best gifts God gifted mankind with is the gift of the will power. Your will power is a major determinant in the turn out of events in your life. How you use it determines what becomes of your life. You can't claim something you have in your heart or say with your mouth when you doubt it in your head. You have to condition both your conscious and subconscious brain to think in ways that will attract to you what you desire in life. With a strong will, you will attract what you wish to see in your life. Just be sure it is not for the wrong things. WORDS: The words you speak have a way of manifesting in your life. The bible says, ......