
Showing posts from September, 2023


  What If Tomorrow Never Comes?  Some were born into riches  And get to live in riches  Experiencing the joys of riches  Others were born in poverty  And live in a life of poverty  Never knowing the joys of riches  Some start rich  And end up poor  Others start poor  And end up rich  Some start rich  Go broke and poor  Yet bounce back to riches  Some others start poor  Get rich and prosperous  And end up poor again  Either way Each one of us Whether rich or poor  Start each day  Hoping for a better tomorrow But what if tomorrow never comes?  Why spend all of today Thinking of a tomorrow Why not enjoy today?  Indeed hope helps us to cope Hope helps us get to tomorrow But what if tomorrow never comes?  Life is lived per minute  Life is lived in momnents  Life must be lived today  Today is a present Enjoy it as the gift it is Tomorrow is not promised  Today...


  IT'S ALRIGHT   Sometimes.....  Things do fall apart  Things dear to your heart  Fall out and leave you hurt  When that happens  And you are all broken And all else seems frozen  It's only human for you to cry  It alright to cry  When you try  All you can yet fail Lurking at the tail  It's alright to cry  When you've tried  all you possibly can  And done all you plan  Some times.....  It's alright to let it all out  It's alright to pour it out  It's alright to feel the hurt  That burdens your heart  It's alright  You will be fine  Things will fall in line  It's alright  Things will go right  It will soon be bright  The lingering darkness  That brings you sadness Will be replaced with light  It's sad things went wrong  And it's hard staying strong  The cry won't last for long If you don't give up the try   It is alright to c...


"Those who would judge us merely by the heights we have acheived would do well to remeber the depths from which we started." - Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.  Happy Birthday to Ghana's First President, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Blessed Memory.  By the way, did you know one of Nkrumah's sons is called Gamel Nkrumah?  Well, now you do...if you didn't. Signed,  Gamel.


Travelling is one of the most cherished things of my life. Besides the travel time, long distances and tiring experience of moving from one place to another, it is worth the adventure.  Travelling teaches a lot if you are alert and observant. It has taught me a  lot over the years.  The experiences and exposures that Travelling affords me is what makes it exciting for me.  The opportunity to see new places and interact or connect with new people is priceless.  Through Travelling I have come to learn that we don't need much to live happy lives.  Travelling helps you realise you only need a little to survive.  When preparing for travels, you only pick what is most important for you.  I have been on trips where I had only a handful of luggage and never missed a thing whilst away.  In most of my travels, I learn to make the most of what I have without losing myself.  Travelling has actually made me think and lean towards minimali...


  OF REALTING TO PEOPLE  Wanna be in my life The door is open  Wanna be out of my life The door is open  Do come in  Do go out  Anytime  Everytime  Just don't be  in the door way  Make way for those Who wants to stay  In my life longer  Door of my heart  Wanna make an entry?  Door is open  Wanna make an exit?  Door is open  Door of my heart  Is open to love  Walk in when you feel same  Walk out when you feel less  But don't stand in the way 


  My MUSE  You are ... My muse  Yes, You You are!  You who read  My thoughts  My writings  My creations  I write for myself  But I also write  For You my reader  Without you  My poems  My articles Won't read itself  Without you Every write-up Of mine will have but  Only one audience, me  It's You who make The strokes of my pen  Worth the while spent  Your words Of encouragement  They inspire ... My creativity  My activity My productivity  My creativity  Is of no use  Without you ... My muse! 


  REJECTION   Makes you ... Question your value  And doubt your virtues  Makes you ... Wonder your worth  And doubt your works  That feeling .... Of not being enough  Of not doing enough  Of not being worthy  Of not being weighty  Of not being admirable  Of not being valuable  That Feeling that ...  Makes nonsense of your essence  Questions your value in slience  That feeling that ...  Makes your very best Seems like the worst  That Feeling that ...  Makes you totally restless Makes your efforts useless 

These Dreams of Mine

  THESE DREAMS OF MINE   My dreams  My desires  Staring at me From afar  So dear But  Not near  So clear Yet Crippled by fear  Should I... Take a fight? Take a flight?  Should I... Face it? Despite my fears?  Win or lose My choice  And my choice Is My voice  Should I  Speak up? Shut up?  My actions My reactions  Determines  My attraction My distraction  But in all this I have a voice  And it's my choice  Win or lose I choose! 

Poem - Stuck- Unstuck

Stuck - Unstuck  Everything  Seems stagnant  Every smell Repugnant  Feeling stuck Yet can't unplug  The tunnel  Seems light-less  The journey  Seems endless  The dreams  Seems hopeless  Sources Seems helpless  Feeling stuck Yet can't unplug  Moving in circles Rocking a chair  Hang in tight  There'll be light  You'll see it in sight  You'll soon see light  Help is on the way Help is coming your way


  THE TRAIN TRIP TO LAGOS   A little over a month ago, I arrived in Iseyin in Oyo State, Nigeria to begin a Writing Residency slated for the months of March and April.  Slowly but the steadily, the days rolled over quickly and all too soon, the residency ended on the 20th of April. I had so much fun getting immersed in my writing projects that I didn't see the end date in sight.  I guess that's what happens when you are sold out to a course that engages your soul. Having realised my fay's were over I begun planning my trip to Lagos.  The program administrator mentioned the option of travelling to Lagos via train and I was immediately sold out. The last time I was on a train was in May 2016 when I arrived the O.R. Tambo Airport in South Africa and needed to continue to Sandton. The Gauteng train experience still remains one of the beautiful train experiences I had ever had during that trip.  So, when the Residency program administrator gave me the option, I ...


  IS SCHOOL A SCAM?  Whilst in Residency, we had a daily routine of picking a topic at random and sharing our thoughts on same during breakfast.  We would often find ourselves engaging in healthy conversations on educational issues, politics and national development, relationships and marriage, youth development and of course writing, which was that one thing that Brough us together.  On one particular morning after breakfast, we zeroed in on discussion about education in Africa. One resident without mincing words blurted out;'School is a Scam! It is not exactly what our parents and society has sold to us'.  He continued, 'We have been told from childhood that; Go to school, complete and get a well paying job to help set you up in life. But the reality on the ground is different. I think school is a big scam.l especially in Africa'.  With these statements, the tone was set for our conversation at the dinning table. Each resident shared his views on same. We...

RESIDENCY DIARIES 8 - High School Talk Session

  HIGH SCHOOL VISIT  As resident writers of the Ebedi International Writers Residency, we required to reach out to high students of some selected  high schools to share with them our ideas and insights on writing as well as our experiences in life.  Reaching out and speaking to students has always been an exciting thing for me. So, when the opportunity presented itself, I took it with both hands.  Our first school outreach was at the St. John's Grammar School, located within the Baracks area of the Iseyin catchment area.  It was a Wednesday morning and we got to speak to them right after their morning assembly and Wednesday worship session.  After one of the teachers introduced us to the student body, we took turns to share some few words of inspiration with the students.  I had a simple message for the students. I told them that education presents each one of a level playing ground to take our place in life.  And that if they focused on deve...

RESIDENCY DIARIES 7 - Writers and Readers Make Libraries

  READERS AND WRITERS MAKE LIBRARIES RELEVANT  I believe that libraries through their knowledge offerings change mindsets, mould destinies and ultimately shape lives for good. And Carlos Domínguez succintly expresses this as; “To build up a library is to create a life. It’s never just a random collection of books.”  During our visit to the RAJI Oke-Esa Memorial Library last weekend, we had the opportunity to speak to some high school students who had come to the library to study.  As resident writers, we took turns introducing ourselves and sharing our experiences with these students on the essence of reading and how relevant it is to their personal, career and professional growth.  When I took my turn, I shared these few words with them:  'Today, we are here because someone decided to put up this beautiful edifice, furnish it and got it shelved with books.  We are gathered here because of books. This library is functional and relevant because of books...