
Showing posts from November, 2023

We All Have Wishes.

You wish you had what some other people have.  Some other people also wish they had what you have.  Such is life.  As we live, we continually aspire for more. We are motivated to move up higher.  There was a time when you didn't have what you have now.  And there will come a time when you will have what you wish you had now.  It's a cycle in life with different phases. You will change lanes and move up soon.  But in the meantime, learn to appreciate your accomplishments no matter how small they are. Learn to enjoy what you have while you expect what you do not have.  It's a matter of time...the lines will fall in pleasant places for you as you continue to work things out.  Enjoy what you have now rather than focusing on what you do not have. Choose happiness!

Choose Happiness.

There are some things you can change in life. And there are some things you can not change in life.  So, when you have dreamt all you can, and done all you can yet things still do not go the way you wish and want them to, learn to let go ... Truth is, some circumstances in life can be changed while some others cannot be changed.   Regardless of your current circumstance in life, learn to say the serenity prayer and enjoy its calming effect.  "God grant me: the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference".  No matter what life throws at you ....Choose to live a happy life!  Choose Happiness!

Make A Move!

Things do not always go the way we want in life.  And sometimes, as hard as it may be, we need to roll with the punches and give the fight of our lives the very best of our blows.  Even though we always hope for another chance, things hardly turn out the way we wish, want or plan them in life.  So, what do you do when you find yourself in a state like this in life?  Make move regardless!  Waiting on things will not bring them closer nor make them happen.  Making a move will at least let you know what works and what doesn't work.  If for nothing at all, this saves you time to turn to other things.  Life is too short to keep waiting when you should be walking and working. Take a step towards your goals and keep moving!  Make moves because You Only Live Once!!