Gamelian Gems 14

'Don't pride yourself with the potential of being reproductive.Do so with the essential of being productive as well. It is when your ability to reproduce complements your ability to produce that your life becomes complete'- Gamel Sankarl

When you ensure the right thing is done, you insure yourself against the wrong thing. Give yourself some assurance. Work on your insurance' -Gamel Sankarl
When you spare some time to prepare well, you will not go through the scare of spending some spare time to make repairs'-Gamel Sankarl
The more you continually get yourself updated, the more you consistently outdistance yourself from being outdated.Until you make a conscious commitment to stay updated and upgrade yourself, you will gradually degrade and get outdated'- Gamel Sankarl

'The day you refuse to please people will be the day you will release and appease yourself.Don't squeeze yourself to fit in peoples boxes, you might end up in pieces.Put yourself at ease and you will be at peace with yourself' -Gamel Sankarl
Your potential is an essential entity in your quest to be influential in life. When potential is put to the test, it births experience and expertise and these are the essentials of which credentials are made. Be prudential while taking relevant risks in life, build credentials and you'll be influencial in life' -Gamel Sankarl
Don't always blame it on your opposition. Sometimes its not their imposition that is fast making you lose your position, it may be as a result of your disposition. Disposition counts, don't lose your position to your opposition because of your disposition. Work on it and make it count. When you make your disposition count, you will be counted in for the topmost position' -Gamel Sankarl
To express yourself and impress on others about the worth of your works, you need the right platform.With the right platform, you can make a good expression, form a great impression and transform potential clients into potent clients. You don't necessary have to conform to the status quo, if what exists doesn't work for you, form your own status and platform and use it to transform prospects into clients' -Gamel Sankarl
Keep your hopes alive. When your hopes are high, you can cope till the end despite the scope of your situation.Your hope is akin to a rope that pulls you toward your goals.Keep hopes alive and God will help you cope till you make those goals come alive'- Gamel Sankarl
When you recognize the significance of order in life, you will learn to organize your life such that your actions synchronize with your aspirations. Truth is when your life becomes organized you would have no cause to agonize over how it will turn out. You have it figured out. Much the same way, if you organize and ensure your products synchronize with your brand promise you would have no cause to agonize on who will patronize your products' -Gamel Sankarl


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