
Showing posts from February, 2022


 'I Surrender My Trophies Before............... The One Who Has Won All The Victories'. Since I started Writing, Speaking and Teaching some years ago, I have had the privilege of winning national and international awards and received nominations and recognitions from prestigious organizations. I have been quoted, featured, acknowledged in books, interviewed on the media, hosted on college campuses and in churches, had one of my books used as a course material for University students, had mentions online and offline and spoken on platforms I never imagined possible. And all of these came as humbling and honouring experiences for me.  With hindsight, I have realised it has not been because I am perfect at what I do but because God has been abundantly graceful towards me.  Dear God, the boy you have given some small exposure is here to publicly say, Thank You!  Today, Gamel is Simply Grateful To You, God. Counting My Blessings and Giving God Glory.


 SHIFT AND HAVE A LIFT. Everyone is meant for a life higher than what they presently live. I am of the view that, there is always room for improvement and for one to occupy that room, they must know what is resourceful and take such along. They must also know what is needful in that regard and do exactly that.  To experience any form of advancement in life, you must be ready to take chances. You must take a stance to improve on yourself on a daily basis and stay committed to your decision come what may. This might require of you to cut off somethings and some people from your life. It might also require of you to cultivate some attitudes and call in some people.  Let's share some few thoughts on that.  If your quest is to make a shift and experience a lift in life, you might want to do the following; Shift: Our mentality influences our reality. We live life inside out. Mostly, the reality we face precipitates from the mentality we have had over the years. And so you ...


 Do you dream of writing a book?  Or do you know someone who does?  And is willing to hire a writer?  Then, Gamel, The Ghostwriter is your best bet yet!  I've been writing formally for 14years.  You can check some of my books here;  And for 7 out of the 14 years, I've been a ghostwriter.  I've been helping Corporate Executives, Christian Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Thought Leaders/Experts put together their experiences and expertise in books.  In these 7years journey, I have had the honour of helping;  1. A former Governor of a Central Bank put together a memoir.  2. A Paramount Chief document his 40-year journey of being a custodian of the culture, customs, and traditions of his people.  3. A Judge review a 700-page manuscript made of insightful legal articles.   4. A University President to review and edit a book.   5. A Seasoned Speaker put together a keynote address ...

Born a Teacher!

 Born a Teacher... And I always find myself teaching.  Sometimes, I am a Speaker. Sometimes, I am a Preacher. Sometimes, I am a Biomedic. Sometimes, I am a Lecturer. Sometimes, I am a Writer. But at all times, I am a Teacher! I teach in each of these capacities that define my personal and professional being.  And in all of these, I always seek to ... Know The Way Go The Way and Show The Way. And so help me, God!  I am a Five Talent General.  Teaching is the core of my talents.   And Communication is its vehicle! #DifferentShadesOfTeacherSankarl