Everyone is meant for a life higher than what they presently live. I am of the view that, there is always room for improvement and for one to occupy that room, they must know what is resourceful and take such along. They must also know what is needful in that regard and do exactly that.
To experience any form of advancement in life, you must be ready to take chances. You must take a stance to improve on yourself on a daily basis and stay committed to your decision come what may. This might require of you to cut off somethings and some people from your life. It might also require of you to cultivate some attitudes and call in some people.
Let's share some few thoughts on that.
If your quest is to make a shift and experience a lift in life, you might want to do the following;
Shift: Our mentality influences our reality. We live life inside out. Mostly, the reality we face precipitates from the mentality we have had over the years. And so you might want to make a mental shift in order to experience any advancement in your life.
You cannot live above the level of your reasoning. Once you break the mental barrier, you will make a major breakthrough. Change your thinking and you will see your life changed.
Drift: Make a move physically. Drift towards the big picture. Let it feature in your posture. Let the positive mentality you have cultivated sync with the physical motion you take on a daily basis.
When you synchronize your mental waves with your physical moves, you get to organize your life accordingly. That is the only way you can reposition yourself and take your position. When your mentality is in alignment with your assignment you will experience the reality you expect in life.
Gift: You have been endowed with some gift for the lift you expect to experience in your life. God decides what gifts it is He deposits in you but yours is to discover, develop and deploy it.
When you do so, you will employ yourself or get yourself employed to do exploits wherever you find yourself. Your gifts will bring you before great people and take you to great places.
Sift: You must learn to discern. You don't get your hands into everything because you want to experience a lift in life. You must know what/who to include and what/who to exclude. It is not all the positive thoughts that come to mind that are worth pursuing. Sift your thoughts. It is not all the gifts you have that will bring you a lift.
Sift them and polish the best for your quest. It is not all the people you have around you that you should involve in what you do. Sift your connections. Sieve them and refine until you get the finest. Some people may not be resourceful and somethings may not be needful to your cause. Cut those off and soldier on.
Lift: When you consciously take the steps outlined above, you lay the building blocks necessary for a lift in your life. Actually, experiencing a lift in life is a continuous process. It is taking one step at a time and moving higher up the staircase.
Note; it is a staircase experience and not an elevator experience. It is a journey characterized by planning, preparation and persistent pursuance. It involves making use of both the natural resources and the human resources at your disposal for advancement. What you have is what you need to attract what you want into your life. Make good use of what/who you have. That is the way to make a shift whilst you expect a lift. Make a shift and have a lift!
Gamel Sankarl
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