The Future Museum Of Dubai
I paid a visit to the Future Museum of Dubai. The building is an architectural and engineering marvel. It has no pillars and no corners. It is circular in shape and inspires creativity.
This is a great vision of the ruler, Sheikh Rashid Bin Al Maktoum and the leadership of Dubai.
It is a grand plan on what the city wants to focus on until 2071. And they are already working to make it a reality.
A visit and tour of the facility gives one a glimpse of the future of humanity and the place of Dubai in that future.
The Emirates of Dubai are planning to experience tomorrow, today.
Thus, this museum of the future has been carefully created to give visitors a snapshot of how the future they're building looks like.
The museum is a unique expression of the futuristic goals of the city. It serves as a place where great ideas, technology and creativity are put to good use to shape the future.
All visitors to the Future museum of Dubai are made to think, re-think and re-imagine the future.
The experience is an interactive one that leaves you wanting more in the future.
My tour guide mentioned that, the focus is to continuously build something that is unique globally and keep making Dubai the preferred destination for tourists worldwide.
The idea is to have you visit every other year and still enjoy a unique experience than the previous experience.
For this reason, they do not say Good bye to visitors. Rather, they say bye-bye and come again.
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