Want To Live Ten More Years? Play Tennis!

A couple of weeks ago, I returned to the court after a short break. I had some trips to make and was also nursing an ankle sprain. 

But while on break, I chanced on some relevant information about the game I have come to love so much. And yea, I thought to share same with you. 

A recent study conducted on over 8500 participants has shown that playing tennis can save or prolong your life by (9.7yrs) approximately ten years.

Also according to this same research, cycling and swimming, which are two other sporting activities I engage in, respectively have life expectancy gains of 3.7yrs and 3.4yrs. I'll share my experiences on these some other time. 

This study, conducted over 25 years has shown that playing the game actively engages your cardiovascular system and trains your heart to function optimally and efficiently.  

As it improves your heart health, it also helps you prevent the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension among others.

Of course, there are other great sporting activities that keeps you healthy. But among all these, tennis is top on the list.

Essentially, my point is that, playing tennis gives you the ultimate cardiovascular training you need to stay healthy. 

And so, if you play tennis, then don't stop. 
If you don't, then this is your chance to start. 

Yeah. It is never too late to start. 

Need I say more? 

If you have ever dreamt of playing tennis, do consider this as your call to go to the court!


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