RESIDENCY DIARIES 7 - Writers and Readers Make Libraries


I believe that libraries through their knowledge offerings change mindsets, mould destinies and ultimately shape lives for good. And Carlos Domínguez succintly expresses this as; “To build up a library is to create a life. It’s never just a random collection of books.” 

During our visit to the RAJI Oke-Esa Memorial Library last weekend, we had the opportunity to speak to some high school students who had come to the library to study. 

As resident writers, we took turns introducing ourselves and sharing our experiences with these students on the essence of reading and how relevant it is to their personal, career and professional growth. 

When I took my turn, I shared these few words with them: 

'Today, we are here because someone decided to put up this beautiful edifice, furnish it and got it shelved with books. 

We are gathered here because of books. This library is functional and relevant because of books and will continue to be because of books and readers of these books. 

I entreat you to become voracious readers but beyond reading and applying what you read, I encourage you to become writers. 

It is said that readers are leaders and I want you all to become leaders. Leaders in various spheres of influence. But beyond being readers, I encourage you to become writers. 

Books are written because of readers and so it makes sense to say, there are only readers when there are writers. And so, much as it is important to commit to reading, I want to encourage you to commit to writing as well. 

You can become a leader not only by being a reader but also by being a writer. With your writing you can influence national discourse and inspire national development. 

Writers of Nigerian origin such as Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Ola Rotimi, Abubakar Gimba, Mabel Segun, Wale Okediran and Chimamanda Adichie among others have and do continue to change the world through their writings. 

As readers and future leaders, I entreat you to become the next generation of African writers and use your writing to champion the cause for Africa's transformation. 

You are the ones to tell the true story of Nigeria and that of Africa at large. Don't only be readers, apply yourselves and become writers who will influence readers and bring about the change that Africa needs. 

Yours is a digital generation and everyone can become a content creator and contribute to the knowledge economy for development. I challenge you to not only be consumers of content but also step up and become creators of content. I believe that by so doing, you will be changing mindsets and lives through your offerings. 

You have so much in you and the world will be blessed to glean from your knowledge, ideas and insights. The world would be better through your writing. 

Libraries build nations by waging war against ignorance. Libraries build nations by being the containers of the knowledge andbqisdom needed to build the nations. 

But truth is, libraries won't be functional and relevant unless we have both readers and writers playing their roles and leading change where necessary. 

I believe in you and I believe you are the ones we have been waiting for. Please rise to the call and be the answer to Africa's need for change! 


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