Travelling is one of the most cherished things of my life.

Besides the travel time, long distances and tiring experience of moving from one place to another, it is worth the adventure. 

Travelling teaches a lot if you are alert and observant. It has taught me a  lot over the years. 

The experiences and exposures that Travelling affords me is what makes it exciting for me. 

The opportunity to see new places and interact or connect with new people is priceless. 

Through Travelling I have come to learn that we don't need much to live happy lives. 

Travelling helps you realise you only need a little to survive. 

When preparing for travels, you only pick what is most important for you. 

I have been on trips where I had only a handful of luggage and never missed a thing whilst away. 

In most of my travels, I learn to make the most of what I have without losing myself. 

Travelling has actually made me think and lean towards minimalism.  

The things we collect sometimes clutter our lives and stress us.

Travelling has brought me to the consciousness of living life in simplicity. 

I love Travelling and hope to travel more whilst making for myself memories that will matter most to me in my old age.


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