What If Tomorrow Never Comes? 

Some were born into riches 

And get to live in riches 

Experiencing the joys of riches 

Others were born in poverty 

And live in a life of poverty 

Never knowing the joys of riches 

Some start rich 

And end up poor 

Others start poor 

And end up rich 

Some start rich 

Go broke and poor 

Yet bounce back to riches 

Some others start poor 

Get rich and prosperous 

And end up poor again 

Either way

Each one of us

Whether rich or poor 

Start each day 

Hoping for a better tomorrow

But what if tomorrow never comes? 

Why spend all of today

Thinking of a tomorrow

Why not enjoy today? 

Indeed hope helps us to cope

Hope helps us get to tomorrow

But what if tomorrow never comes? 

Life is lived per minute 

Life is lived in momnents 

Life must be lived today 

Today is a present

Enjoy it as the gift it is

Tomorrow is not promised 

Today is all we all have 

Today is all you have 

Make it your best day yet 

And live it your best way!


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